Midwinter Break Camp 2024

Midwinter Break Camp 2024

 Dates: February 19 - February 23 
Time: 9am-3pm
Ages: 6+
Location: Geek Forest Shop 122 Bedford Ave
Can purchase full week (2/20-2/24) or individual days.

Monday February 19 

Art Lab: Abstract Watercolor Techniques (morning)
Join us as we explore captivating techniques of abstract watercolor art. Discover the artistry behind translating soap bubble patterns onto paper using watercolors, applying the iridescence shapes. Additionally, delve into the application of salt in your paints, where scientific interactions create compelling textures and patterns within your artwork. You'll have experiment with blending colors seamlessly on a damp surface or achieving precision and fine detail on a dry canvas.

Computer Science Lab: Minecraft - Generation AI (afternoon)
Utilizing Minecraft Education, we will utilize MakeCode Blocks (block coding) and computational thinking to solve fun puzzles. Generation AI has been designed as a fun and creative tutorial introduction to computer science and responsible AI. Team up with the trusty Agent to build helpful AI-powered inventions, and explore the amazing potential of AI and the importance of fair, reliable technology! Correct coding problems, solve fun puzzles, and use the principles of responsible AI. Understanding AI and its potential implications is critical for all students. We will also have free play after students are finished with the coding.

Tuesday February 20

Art Lab: Thaumatrope + Flipbook Animations (morning)
Combine Thaumatrope Animation and Flipbook Animation to explore optical illusions and sequential storytelling. Thaumatrope Animation merges two contrasting images on a circular card, creating a single scene when twirled with strings. Flipbook Animation guides you through creating a movement sequence by drawing frames, revealing the basics of animation and the illusion of motion when flipped rapidly. These projects offer a hands-on experience in visual perception and animation, showing the magic of merging images and bringing drawings to lifes.

Computer Science Lab: Minecraft - Escape Estate (afternoon)
With Minecraft Education, we will utilize MakeCode Blocks (block coding) and computational thinking to unlock secrets, open trap doors, and reveal hidden clues to escape the mysterious mansion by dawn. Escape Estate has been designed as a fun and creative tutorial introduction to computer science. We will also have free play after students are finished with the coding.

Wednesday February 21 

Art Lab: Lego Letterpress Printmaking Lab (morning)
We put a playful spin on the traditional art of letterpress printing. Instead of using conventional metal type, we utilize colorful and imaginative Lego bricks to create captivating prints. Students will learn how to arrange Lego bricks to design and print unique artwork. Whether they're drawn to intricate floral patterns, experimenting with various typefaces, or delving into geometric art, Lego Letterpress empowers young artists to transform their ideas into tangible works of art. 

Computer Science Lab: Minecraft - TimeCraft (afternoon)
Through Minecraft Education, we'll use MakeCode Blocks (block coding) and computational thinking to solve fun puzzles. In this lab, students will take on the role of computer scientists at the Institute of Major Time Errors. Their mission is critical: rectifying Time Splits in history and uncovering the origin of these anomalies. The TimeCraft mission involves traveling to pivotal moments, coding the Time Agent, and deciphering clues to unveil the Culprit responsible for these disruptions.

Thursday February 22

Art Lab: Pokémon Card Creation (morning)
Enter Pokémon Card Creation Lab where you'll explore crafting your own Pokémon cards. Dive into the basics of card design, choosing your Pokémon, devising abilities, and attacks. With provided templates and guidance, sketch, color, and detail your card while learning about strategic gameplay elements. Gain insights into balancing your card's abilities and design principles. Walk away with your personally designed Pokémon card, ready to impress!  

Computer Science Lab: Minecraft - Inclusion (afternoon)
In our Minecraft Education program, we'll employ MakeCode Blocks (block coding) and computational thinking to tackle engaging puzzles within "A Minecraft Tale of Two Villages." These villages, once distant despite sharing space, can now unite through the power of code. This experience aims to cultivate empathy and understanding for neighbors, fostering lessons in cooperation, inclusion, and appreciation for the diverse qualities that make each of us unique and specials.

Friday February 23

Art + Design Lab: Shadow Puppet Theatre (morning)
In this lab students will delve into the captivating world of shadow puppetry while crafting a portable theater from simple materials to bring home. This hands-on class will introduce students to the art of crafting and performing with shadow puppets, exploring the magic of light, darkness, and storytelling techniques.  

Computer Science Lab: Artemis - Return to the Moon (afternoon)
Join Orion’s crew, where students apply their coding skills alongside Mission Control to conquer space missions and challenges. Dive into the astronaut experience while unraveling the wonders of space flight! This adventure aims to introduce learners to the Artemis program’s significance, tackle coding puzzles using MakeCode Blocks (block coding), explore astronauts' daily routines, emphasize the role of computer science in space exploration, and encourage collaborative roles in program development.


Regular price $ 625.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $ 625.00 USD
Sale Sold out

If you are interested in any SOLD OUT or CLOSED class, please email overlord@thegeekforest.com for possible availability.

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